Greek-Finnish-Greek -dictionary for Windows
sanakirja.exe [273kb]
kreikka.exe [16.4.2005: 33.068 words total, 655kb]
setcolor.exe logo.bmp
This dictionary is currently available in one version only with Finnish user interface. Later we may or may not study the opportunity to provide you also with Greek and English interfaces, but until then we'll just offer you here the translations of the few Finnish words essential to know in order to use the dictionary.
The application is excellent not only as a quick and easy-to-use dictionary, but also for improving your vocabulary and for practising word lists.
The installation of the software is simple, but consists of two phases:
1) Please install the basic application sanakirja.exe (The initial installation directory is C:\Program Files\sanakirja)
Old Windows versions (98 & 95) may tell you that the initial directory is an "Invalid directory". Then please change the directory name to something shorter, for example C:\sanakirja
The setup program will create an icon in the Start-up/Programs/Sanakirja/Kreikka-Suomi.
In order to change the search language in the start window please click on the appropriate flag.
If you have any questions about the dictionary please feel free to ask what you want.. I'll answer what I want ;)
Greek-Finnish-Greek -dictionary project has been started 9.3.2003.
The picture in the beginning of this page is taken, when the backgroung color has been set to value Green:200, Blue:200 and Gradient is chosen and the logo.bmp -picture in the program's directory has been changed to the one in this page.
Note: When you search in Finnish, the program does not make difference between "a" and "o" and equivalent scandinavian characters. This means that the search doesn't find the exact word but stops to the nearest scandinavian character before it, so you have to scroll to the right word. This is due to the two special character sets, which can't be handled simultaniously. In Greek search there seems to be no problems.
Finnish to English vocabulary: